Monday, April 25, 2011

Spring Cleaning

Oh boy, have I been a busy bee lately! Work, health coaching, enjoying the beautiful weather - I've been doing a lot of working and a lot of playing! Because of that, I find myself on a Monday morning without anything to write about for my blog, and without a newsletter ready to send out! Yikes! So, I figured since it's Spring it's a great time to talk about detoxing. For my faithful followers, you will have already seen this info, but maybe now you're actually thinking about doing a little spring cleaning and you can apply it to your life.

Today I'm going to talk about cleansing. What exactly is a cleanse, you may ask?

Well, a lot of people get cleansing and fasting mixed up. To cleanse does not mean to fast. Cleansing means paring down your food to just simple fruits and vegetables, lots of water and perhaps whole grains. Fasting, on the other hand, means limiting most foods and drinking lots of water, fresh vegetable and fruit juices, teas and soups. Without much energy going toward digestion, more energy is available to the rest of your body and mind.  

Cleansing and fasting can sharpen your concentration, help you gain insight and promote spiritual awareness. It can also bring improved immune function and better digestion by giving your body a break from rich and complicated foods.

Cleanses can last for 3 days, 21 days, 30 days - whatever your heart desires. While you can follow whichever cleanse feels right to you, here are some of the main aspects of a good cleanse:
  • WATER! During a cleanse or a fast, it is imperative to drink at least half your body weight in ounces each day (and more if you have a heavy exercise routine).
  • Vegetables and fruits. The best way to eat these are in juice form. Try making a green juice in the morning with celery, cucumber, apple, carrots and a little bit of leafy greens (such as kale, chard or lettuce). If you don't have a juicer, you can always make a smoothie in your blender with the same types of veggies.
  • Generally, I don't like to talk about cutting things out of your diet (I'd rather advise you to add things in!), but for a cleanse, I have to say no to the following things: processed sugar and refined carbs, meat and dairy, coffee, and alcohol.
  • Whole grains and cooked beans or lentils will go great with all of those veggies you're eating! I recommend brown or wild rice, quinoa, or whole wheat cous cous.
  • Don't forget about your inner-cleanse! De-gunking your heart and soul is just as important as your stomach. Resolve old relationships, throw out negative thoughts, and make room for positive energy!
The most important aspect of a cleanse is to find support - either outside or inside yourself. Don't be too harsh on yourself if you slip up a few times. It's all about the big picture. Find a few friends to do the cleanse with you. That way, you can support each other through all of the ups and downs.

Everyone's talking about cleansing these days - are you just a little bit interested? Would you like to try one out with some support from someone who knows what they're doing? I'm putting together a 4-week cleanse package to help you jump start your spring cleaning. Leave me a comment if you'd like to be part of it!

Happy Spring!

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