
Are you struggling to lose weight? Do you feel like you've already tried every diet out there, caught in the vicious cycle of weight loss and gain?

Are you addicted to sugar and junk food? Have you tried to cut back on desserts, only to unexpectedly catch yourself with your hand in the cookie jar? 

Do you suffer from that 3 pm crash? Do you have trouble getting through the afternoon without a nap, a cup of coffee, or a candy bar?

Do you want to learn how to cook easy and fast meals? Does the idea of preparing something healthy for yourself or your family make you overwhelmed and send you running to the freezer section of the grocery store?

My "Ditch Your Diet" program will help you identify and overcome all of these challenges. I will guide you to find the food and lifestyle choices that best support you. I will also help you to make gradual, lifelong changes that enable you to reach your current and future health goals. 

As a client of my health coaching program, you will…
  • accomplish your life-long goals and make room for new ones
  • put an end to emotional eating
  • understand and reduce your cravings
  • discover what it's like to have energy every day
  • improve your personal relationships
  • explore new and exciting foods to make eating fun
Your program includes...
  • two 45-minute sessions per month
  • e-mail support between sessions 
  • fun food samples and tools for your self-care
  • my weekly newsletter
  • invitations to all of my workshops and grocery store tours
  • access to my endless store of realistic recipes
To decide if health coaching is right for you, I invite you to schedule a FREE "Ditch Your Diet Breakthrough Session" with me.  You'll have the chance to have a real breakthough in just one 30 minute conversation - how can you say no?!

Contact me today to schedule your Ditch Your Diet Breakthrough Session.