Here it comes, the holiday to end all holidays (at least for those single people out there). Maybe you've got someone special to celebrate Valentine's Day with this year. Maybe you're like me, and you pretty much boycott it each year, avoiding restaurants and hallmark like the plague until the calendar page flips to February 15th. This year, I'm being proactive and turning V-Day into U-Day. Whether you've got someone to smooch or not, why don't you celebrate U-Day with me too!
When was the last time you did something just for "U?" With life as busy as it is these days, it's hard to take time out of your day to take care of yourself. So why not take a day that's all about love and use it to love yourself?
Self-care is all about rest, reflection, relaxation, and rejuvenating your soul. When these are lacking from your life, it leads to stress, sorrow and self-deprecation! If you don't love your luscious little self, who will? Your thoughts have the power to make or break your reality. If you feel down in the dumps, chances are that's how your life will play out. If you feel nourished and taken care of, the world will continue to nourish and take care of you in surprising ways! Have you ever noticed that when something goes wrong and you start to hear that Negative Nancy voice in the back (or front) of your head, it's not long before something else goes wrong too? This week, I challenge you to try something (or all things!) from my nourishment menu and see how you feel after a week of focusing more on fabulous U!
My Nourishment Menu:
-Take a bubble bath.
-Make a cup of tea and settle down on the couch with a good book and a fluffy blanket.
-Take a power nap.
-Breathe deeply for 5 minutes.
-Cuddle with my dog.
-Shake my booty to my favorite tunes (making sure no one's watching, of course).
If you made a nourishment menu, what would be on it? Write your own, try them out, and let me know how it goes!
Happy U-Day!
I love this post! It's so funny, I wrote something very similar to this today but won't post it on my blog until the 14th. Great minds think alike!