Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Roasted Root Veggies
As promised in my newsletter, I wanted to share one of my favorite recipes for cooking root veggies this season. It's really simple and tastes amazing!
Ingredients (use any or all!)
Sweet potato
White potato
Garlic (you can put the whole clove in)
Dried Rosemary
Preheat oven to 350-375.
Wash the veggies and chop into 1/2 inch strips.
You can either use a cookie sheet lined with unbleached parchment baking paper or a glass baking dish. Whichever you choose, sprinkle olive oil onto the bottom.
Toss veggies onto the pan and sprinkle with more olive oil, salt and lots of rosemary.
Cook for 30-45 minutes. Toss the veggies every 15. Dish is done when the veggies are soft.
As I mentioned in my newsletter, I'm offering a special introductory discount to the first two people to sign up for my program - just $25/month for a 3 month program! Why not get a head start on your new years resolutions? Send me an email at to sign up for your free health history consultation!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
I'm just naturally sweet
I wanted to take the information from my newsletter a step further and talk about a few sugar alternatives. If a sugar craving hits and you're unable to conquer it with the tips I mentioned, try to eat something that is sweetened with something other than refined sugar. Since refined sweeteners have been stripped of vitamins, minerals and fiber, they can spike blood sugar, which can actually exacerbate your cravings later instead of fulfilling them! Some refined sugars to look out for are refined table sugar, high fructose corn syrup, NutraSweet, saccharin and Splenda. Using naturally and minimally processed sweeteners instead of a refined sugar can help reduce your cravings for those sugary devils.
Here are a few natural sweeteners to substitute in drinks, food and baking. Since they are all approximately 1.5 times sweeter than refined sugar, you can use less. You can find them in most supermarkets or natural food stores. When replacing sugar with liquid sweeteners in a recipe, reduce the amounts of other liquids.
Raw Honey
Everyone seems to love honey, one of the oldest natural sweeteners on the market. Honey will have a different flavor depending on the plant source. Some are very dark and intensely flavored. Wherever possible, choose raw honey, as it is unrefined and contains small amounts of enzymes, minerals and vitamins.
Agave Nectar
Agave is made through the extraction and purification of the juice of the agave cactus. It does not stimulate insulin secretion as other sugars do, so it does not create a "sugar rush." It has a delightfully light and mild flavor. There has been a lot of controversy over Agave Nectar lately, so I actually tend to lean towards Raw Honey or Maple Syrup instead of Agave. If you want to read more and decide for yourself, you can go here:
Maple Syrup
Maple syrup is the concentrated extract of the sap of maple trees. It adds a rich, deep flavor to foods and drinks. Make sure to look for 100% pure maple syrup, not maple-flavored corn syrup. As with all sweeteners, organic varieties are best.
Happy sweetening!
Adapted from "The Cane Mutiny," New Age Magazine, March/April 1999.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Conquering Cravings - a pre-release of November's newsletter!
The body is an amazing source of intelligence. Does your body ever forget to pump blood, or do your eyes ever forget to blink? I know mine sure doesn't. So is this reliable, intelligent bio-computer making a mistake by craving ice cream or potato chips or chocolate? Are cravings due to lack of will-power or discipline? I've been told that being a vegan takes pretty strong are my cravings just a sign of weakness? I'd like to suggest that cravings are nothing of the sort - actually, they are little hints that tell us what our bodies really need.
The important thing is to understand why you crave what you crave. Perhaps your diet is too restrictive and your cravings are a reaction to your feeling of deprivation. Perhaps boredom or stress are the cause of your cravings. If something in your life is unbalanced, your body tries to correct that imbalance by sending you a message: a craving. A craving for something sweet could mean you need more protein, more exercise, more water or more love in your life. The key to stopping the sugar craving is to understand it and deliver what your body really needs.
I've definitely noticed that when I come home from a particularly busy and stressful day of work I crave really smooth things, and if I'm not careful I'll end up eating a whole tub of hummus or ice cream. Instead of reaching for those foods, I'll drink a glass of water, pull out my journal, put on some soothing music, and use writing as my meditation before bed.
The next time you have a craving, treat it as a loving message from your body instead of a weakness. Instead of reaching mindlessly for that chocolate bar, try these tips to respond to your body's signals:
· Have a glass of water and wait 10 minutes.
· Eat a healthier version of what you crave. For example, if you crave sweets, try eating more fruit or sweet vegetables - such as sweet potatoes, which are in season right now!
· What is out of balance in your life? Is there something you need to express, or is something being repressed? What happened in your life just before you had this craving?
· When you eat the food you are craving, enjoy it, taste it, savor it; notice its effect. Then you will become more aware and free to decide if you really want it next time.
Keep an eye out for my next post about some alternative sweeteners that you can use when you've tried everything else and you just need to get your hands on some (healthy) sugary goodness!
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Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Big Changes
After I post my newsletter about conquering cravings, I'll write a blog about some good sugar alternatives that I like to use. Until next time!
Peace, love, and veggies
Saturday, October 30, 2010
My first catering job - like the plot of a funny movie...
After the adventure that was my first catering gig yesterday, I've decided that my life in the real world is definitely blog-worthy now. It definitely won't always be pretty, but I'm sure hoping that it will usually be entertaining.
And so, without further ado - my first catering job:
A friend of mine asked me to cater for her 24 hour art-creation event called Creation24 last night. She gave me only a few days notice and a budget of $100 for about 20-30 people. In theory, it sounded great, so I said yes! Upon further thought, I realized that that left me with roughly $3/person. Yikes! But a yes is a yes, so I worked with what I had!
I came up with 3 different dishes to make - my favorite corn and bean salsa, chocolate chip cookies, and a butternut squash and pineapple curry with brown rice - all vegan of course! I refused to shop at Walmart for my ingredients, but I was surprisingly able to buy everything I needed from My Organic Market for $101.
I spent the entire day Friday preparing the dishes. The curry took the longest to make, but I knew it would be really really tasty. After a bit of a disagreement with my mom (to put it lightly) in the morning, I was left with only 3 hours to prepare everything, shower, pass off the food, and get to work by 3. At one point, I was multi-tasking getting ready for work with getting the cookies in and out of the oven, and I may or may not have been running around the kitchen with nothing but a towel on my head. After quite a scramble and some help from my mom, I got everything into the car by 2:35 - which after my 20 minute drive to work wouldn't leave me much time to pass off the food.
I knew I shouldn't have been speeding, I knew the food was precariously placed in my trunk...but my knowledge of those facts conflicted with my time constraints, and so speed I did. Boy oh boy. I hit a red light. I slammed on the breaks. As I came to a stop, I heard a thud in my trunk. I quickly threw the car into park, popped the trunk, and ran around to the back of the car. Bad news bears - my trunk now looked like a bunch of sorority girls went out for Indian food before a frat party and puked all over the trunk of my car. Not a single drop was left in the crock pot. FML! After yelling some expletives in the middle of the road, I called my mom in tears and begged her for help.
I spent the next hour on and off the phone with my mom (mind you, I was at work) trying to construct a plan for how I was going to get some kind of main dish to Creation24. So my mom, being the awesome woman that she is, offered to go back to the store, get the necessary ingredients, and remake the dish. Thank the spiritual goddess of the universe for mothers. 3 hours later, she had finished re-making my dish, packed it up, and drove it to DC in the middle of rush hour to deliver it to the event. Wowza, right?! If I didn't already, I will love her forever.
In the end, everything turned out a-ok. There was even food leftover when I went to the show after I got off work, and everyone told me how much they liked it. One good story later, my first catering job was a success!
Until next time, Happy Halloween!